Act 1 Scene 3

Characters: Lady Capulet, Juliet, Nurse, Serving man

Location: Capulet house

Time: Sunday afternoon

Lady Capulet calls the nurse to find Juliet. Lady Capulet calls Nurse away and then back again. Lady Capulet tells Juliet to get married, Juliet says no but Lady Capulet keeps trying to convince her. Nurse tells Lady Capulet and Juliet about when Juliet was Brest feed and wont stop talking. Lady Capulet says just look and sit down next to the beautiful man you will learn to love him. They are interrupted by the serving man. The serving man say the gusts are here. Lady Capulet tells Juliet to go and have fun. Juliet heeds into the party.

Quote;” To beautify him, only lacks a cover ”


Act 1 Scene 2

Location: a street in Verona

Characters: Capulet, Paris, Servant, Benvolio, Romeo

Time: Saturday afternoon

Event: Capulet sends his servant to hand out invitations to his party, His servant cant read so he gets romeo to read it for him. Romeo finds out what Capulet is doing and invites himself to the party.


Quote:”But rejoice in the splendor of mine own”

Romeo & Juliet

`Romeo And Juliet



OP is Tybalt

Oliver is Sampson

Kahu Is Abram

Josh and tana as Benvolio

Abhishek is Gregory

Phoenix is balthasar




Get ready here comes Kahu


Oliver:,im recording you i have your back i’ll get proof


Abhishek: How! You will delete it


Oliver: No, Don’t doubt me


Abhishek: I am doubting you


Oliver: well It’s fine


Abhishek:ok im ready


Oliver: i’ll just watch


Enters: Kahu and phoenix


Kahu: Are you scared?


Oliver:no i am not scared


Kahu: I’ll ask you again, are you scared


Oliver (aside to Abhishek): Am I meant to be scared?


Abhishek: No


Oliver:No i am not scared of you


Abhishek: Are you mad at us?


Kahu:  Of course I am


Oliver: I am on your side


Kahu: That makes no difference


Oliver: well ok then


Abhishek: It makes a difference now because here comes one of my friends


Oliver: Yeah that makes a difference


Kahu: Your lying


Oliver: Quick i’ll start recording, Abhishek get him


Enters Josh


Josh: Get away from each other and stop recording,


Enters OP


OP: What are you selfish people doing?!


Josh: they were about to go at each other they need peace


OP: What the hell, peace?!? I hate the word. You are all cowards


Everyone starts fighting